My sweet Hannah had a kind of minor, somewhat major mishap in the parking lot after church on Wednesday night. She and Jaycie were walking ahead of us to the car, and they were out of my eyesight on one side of the van, when all of a sudden I heard this terrible wailing cry. Hannah was screaming her head off, and Jaycie said that she'd just fallen down. I could tell that she'd scraped her knee, and I dabbed it with a wet wipe, but when I got her in the car, I noticed a big drop of blood dripping from the side of her nose. It was dark, so it was hard to see, and I thought it may have been from an internal nose bleed. When we got home, I realized it was much worse and that she'd actually scraped what looked like every layer of skin off the side of her little nose. She also has a few scrapes under her eye, too. I've no idea how a child can fall and scrape her nose at this angle, but apparently mine can. Jaycie said that Hannah had been stepping up high like she was marching and lost her balance and fell on the concrete. It was a nasty spill, and it looks even more terrible than the picture shows. Half of her nose looks like Rudolph, and it's going to take quite a while to heal, I'm afraid. I'm sure it hurt incredibly, and I feel very sorry for her. That spill plus her four little new teeth coming in has made for a fairly grumpy little gal around here. However, hurts heal, and there's always popsicles to distract her from the pain! (By the way, we're almost out of popsicles.)
Her boo-boo makes her look even cuter! I agree that popsicles make things better. Matt gave Zoe a few licks just the other day... it works for her too! Jaycie is such a great big sister to Miss Hannah!
Bless her heart and nose, too! Hope she heals quickly. Isn't it amazing what a popsicle will do fo r boo-boos. We go thru them quickly at our house, too.
Poor little Hannah! But even with a skinned up nose, she is still adorable. Keep those popsicles comming........they always make things better!
Ahhh, poor Hannah! I know what you're feeling... my fall landed me in the hospital! I hope you feel better soon.
Ouch! Just looking at her nose makes mine hurt! And I would agree...who would think you could hit your nose at an angle like that. We will pray for her boo boo to heal soon. And if you need any popsicles I've got some in my freezer I'd be glad to run over to you!
What a nasty boo boo! Hope she is feeling better.
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