My leopard princesses had tons of fun tonight at Greenwood Park's "Trunk-or-Treat." They were sugared up and running on full tilt by the end of the evening with all the other costumed characters. (I plan to post a collage of all the ghouls and guys soon, but I couldn't wait to get this post up.) The only damper to the evening's event was having to say a final "good-bye" to Kate and Cole after the devo. We are really going to miss them and Gilbert, but we may be able to resume our weekend-away-with-friends during Labor Day weekend in West Lafayette, like those we had years ago with our friends Jen & Scott White. We'll miss you, Kerrigans, but you'll still be close in heart.
What adorable lepoard princesses! I sure do miss you and your wonderful family. qlssvj
They were such cute princesses. Kuddos to Lee for planning such a wonderful successful event. Happy first Halloween Miss Hannah!
Adorable. Hannah and Jaycie are as cute as ever! I'll post some pics of the twins tomorrow... they're "duck" costumes were great.
When was your referral day? Ours was a year ago tomorrow. Can you believe it? One year ago we first found out about our precious little girls in China!
How adorable! Hannah is changing so much!
OH MY! What a great pic for Hannah's first Halloween!! They look adorable. Jaycie sure has a great smile :o)
Aloha! I'm so sorry I didn't get to see them in person at trunk-or-treat. They look great! Love you!
What adorable kitty kitties!
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