On another note, Kate tagged me, which leads me to the first of several confessions:
Confession #1: I'm addicted to blogging, but I stink at responding to other folk's blog requests. I was tagged awhile back, but I've not yet gotten to it (sorry, Beth & Sarah). However, since this is Kate's request and she's never been tagged (or tagged others), here goes.
Here are the rules:
1) Each player starts with five random facts/habits/stories about their child(ren).
2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their five things) and post these rules.
3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose a few people to get tagged and list their names.
4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
- My sweet daughters:
- I let Jaycie dress herself and seldom intervene, except when it comes to prohibiting belly-showing shirts (a hard task since she's lean and tall), but I really want to step in on days when she says that pink and red match.
- Hannah's head is shaped like an almond, likely because she spent too much time lying down her first year of life. I can't imagine anyone other than a hairstylist ever noticing it, and I hope she's never teased. I think she's still perfect.
- I think my eldest daughter looks more like my sister than I do; she certainly shares her emotional makeup. They even have matching birthmarks. Spooky.
- Hannah won't let me sit down to rock her to sleep, so I have to stand up and rock/sway for 5 to 15 minutes a night and at nap times before she'll settle down. This seems to be the most effective calorie-burning / muscle-building activity of my adult life.
- Jaycie and Hannah have a special language game they play - Jaycie imitates a particularly hilarious gutteral sound that Hannah makes, then Hannah repeats her, they both get tickled, and it goes back and forth forever.
- Beth R.
- Terri C.
- Gina (Eden's mom)
- Gina (Maci's mom)
I never finished the thank you notes for Hannah's shower gifts; for that I feel incredibly guilty, but I continue to lack the incentive to get them done. I may try to send Christmas cards to those to whom I didn't send thank you cards to assuage my guilt. We'll see.

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