We are expecting...
...expecting to be blessed by God in immeasurable ways in the days/weeks/months to come.
...expecting to welcome into our world a tiny baby boy whose life will be joined with ours within the month and whose story we'll share for a lifetime.
...expecting to open our hearts to a dear young couple who have decided to place the life they created into the arms of our family in a few short weeks.
...expecting that having a son in our home will have an amazing impact on our lives.
...expecting God to hold us all in the palm of His hands until the adoption is complete, and if something happens to disrupt it, expecting Him to help us all put the pieces back together.
I guess that's it; we're expecting, and it's a boy!

I am so happy for you and will pray for this new addition. What a blessed boy he will be to be placed in your family! Wow! Keep us updated.
Miss you!
We are once again so happy for you guys and we can't wait to meet your new bundle of joy! He will be so blessed to join the Fowlkes family. It is so much fun reading the different ways in which Lee and you posted the announcement - just shows who you two are (creative and funny). We continue to pray and we just can't wait. Love ya! What an excellent Mother's Day gift!
OMG~ Congratulations!!!
Wow... Congratulations!
This is amazing. You are an amazing family and truly blessed. We'll pray that everything progresses as it should for you.
YAY! How exciting! We will keep your expecting family in our prayers. Love you guys.
Yay! You guys are so brave, and I am so...impressed with/inspired by/challenged by/what word am I looking for?...your willingness to open yourselves up to anything that may come of this. How exciting and wonderful and scary. I LOVE that you trust God so much that you are confident you will be blessed by him no matter what happens. I pray that I would have that kind of faith. And I'm crying almost to the extent that I did when I saw the first pictures of your family of four. I can't wait to do the same for the five of you! Love you and praying, praying, praying.
Oh Ashley, I just can't believe it! I am so very excited for you guys. If you can't figure out what to do with a boy....just call Melanie and she can fill you in on all the pirates, superheros and bugs that are in your future!
Wow...well, you guys had to wait to long for Hannah and now your wait for this new little baby boy will be so short! God will work it all out.
Are you just preparing like crazy?! I can't wait to hear all the details! We'll be home on the 23rd so maybe we can talk soon.
I love you and am so happy for your growing family!
I am just so tickled for your family. This baby boy will indeed be blessed to have two wonderful parents. Many prayers are with you during this time. Congrats!!!!
Fowlkes Family,
We are so excited for you all!!! What a blessing...this precious little boy is getting a wonderful family. We can't wait to meet him!
love you all,
The Hunt Family
p.s. keep us updated
We are SO EXCITED!!! We already have presents! We can't wait to meet Salsa!! LOL! We love you all and can't wait to meet your new son! We continue to pray for you and the couple who have made this unselfish decision! We love you and would really like to help in anyway we can. Let us know if there is anything we can do!! Lots of love and prayers, the Petersons
WHAT WONDERFUL & EXCITING NEWS! We will be praying for all of you during the adoption of your son. We love you guys!!
The Bradshaw family,
Eddie, Gina & Eden
I was so excited to hear your news! Congratualtions! Boys are truly a blessing from God. You and Your family are in our prayers as the couple who are unselfishly placing this bundle of joy into your hearts and arms!
Please pass along our greetings to Lee and the girls. We miss all of you so much.
If you ever need anything we are here for you!
The Frasiers
I am soooooo happy for you guys! What a blessing from God to have a little baby boy in your family! I hate to tell you this Lee--but you and your son are still going to be outnumbered by 1 girl! LOL
The way you announced it was just wonderful! Congrats to your family!
I tried to leave a comment on Friday, but it wouldn't post for some reason. I AM SOOOO HAPPY for you!!!! I am looking forward to meeting your new bundle of joy and I will be keeping you, your family, and the birth parents in my prayers.
BTW - have you picked a name yet for your little boy?
Love you guys!
God Bless you all! Your story sounds sooooo much like our story when we adopted Jacob. We found out in January and then brought him home on May 1st! I will be keeping you all in our prayers! See ya next trip to TN.
This is awesome news ... a baby! I would personally be in a panic! :) I will be praying for the little one and for your family!
I heard about your news on Friday!!! How exciting for you all!!! Looking forward to seeing your new addition.
Oops, I meant yesterday (Monday) about the news =). All my days seem to run together.
Congratulations, Fowlkes family! We're so excited for you! We're praying....
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