Come September 21, this lovely house will become our home, and we will bid adieu to apartment living. I am most looking forward to the backyard patio, and when fall begins I'll be out there praising God for cool breezes and seasons of change. I will thank Him, too, that Hannah will finally have a room of her own, that Jaycie will have a big yard to play in, that we'll have more room to entertain in, and that He provided all of it within our new pared-down budget. We are excited and hugely thankful!
Love it. Glad you found just the right place and I am extremely excited you will be in our neck of the woods.
Yay!! Can't wait to check out your new crib. Looks very cozy... perfect for a family of four. Isn't it great how God takes care of us?!?!
I love it! Can't wait to see the "lived in" pics.
Congratulations! I am so excited for your family!
Congratulations!!! Love the pictures of your new house. I can't wait to see more of it, once you get all moved in.
Congratulations!!! You will be in you new home before we move. I can't wait to see it. I know that you will fill the house with lots of love and your wonderful sense on decorating will make it home again.
I love the kitchen! That color (the red) is what I want in my future house. {Dreaming} I'm soooo happy for you guys! (((Hugs)))
So glad you all finally found a new place...and that it is still here in BG!!! We love you all and can't wait to help you move into your new pad. (and now we'll have another location to watch the fireworks from!) :-)
Nice house. When is the first party?
Glad your sticking around, cause we love you guys.
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