My baby's growing up - she's a third grader now, which blows me away. She started school last Wednesday at a brand new school and did a great job transitioning. She's got a wonderful, imaginative spirit and lots of creative energy. She's got her own cool fashion sense and loves Hannah Montana way too much (she quotes the show all the time). We're working on keeping her attitude sweet and her emotions in check. She is very smart and loves to dance, read, write stories, play pretend (she's got lots of children - around 10 at last count, some of whom are adopted), and play Webkins online. She's a great big sister, who makes her little sister laugh her head off and has begun to teach her little tricks. I am proud of Jaycie.
I bet you are very proud of her. She is so beautiful on the inside and out. You are blessed to have such a wonderful little girl!
We miss you guys terribly!! We was wondering about Jaycee and school (where she was attending). love Deanna & family
p.s. our email is: sdhdmg4jc@juno.com
would love to hear from you & catch up!
What a beautiful girl. I can remember you being pregnant with her...it's hard to believe she is already in third grade. You and Lee have done a fantastic job at parenting...she is a precious girl. I hope her first day went well.
Yes, Miss Jaycie does have her own sense of style! She looks so cute and trendy for her first day of school. I love watching Jaycie grow.
Jaycie is a wonderful, sweet girl. We just love her, Allison especially. Love the outfit.
What a cutie! I know you and Lee are so proud of her. I need to hire her, for me, as a "fashion consultant". BTW, I love Hannah Montana. LOL
I just love your Jaycie. I'm so glad she and Megan are friends. I know there is an age difference, but I know they just love being together. Well, that and Hannah Montana seems to bridge the age gap, huh? A few months ago we got DVR, so now it's Hannah Montana anytime, not just the typical 5 hours a day it runs on the network!
What a cute girl. Love the outfit!
YOu have such a beautiful daughter. We love her so much and we are glad that she adjusted okay to the new school.
Your girl has such style! I bet she is the best 3rd grader in the world!
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