Wow - how time changes things, and what blessings we've found in this year's changes. Hannah has grown and flourished in ways too many to list since our first Christmas as a family of four in 2006. She came to us with smiles and laughter, and has since that time brought us incredible joy. She is an amazing daughter and a precious little sister. We love her more than we could ever express. Thank you, Lord, for the former Feng Fu Er, Miss Hannah Li Fowlkes.
I'm so happy you've got Hannah. I know you spent LOTS of time waiting. I guess like "labor" you don't remember that as often now that you've got beautiful Hannah! I love all four of you!
Your daughters are beautiful. I can't wait to watch them grow and learn over the next year as you prepare to celebrate your second anniversary with sweet Hannah in your family. Happy New Year Fowlkes Family of Four!
Congratulations on your 1st year with Hannah. What amazing little girls we have all been blessed with!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Fowlkes Family!! We love following your blog. Hannah looks just adorable. And yes, start that new tradition with the stocking from China!!!! Love ya guys!
You're such a cutie pie and a blessing to your family. You have grown so much. We love you.
I love these pics! Hannah has grown so much and you can tell she lover her big sister, mamma and daddy very much!
It was a treat to celebrate "gotcha day" with you guys...I don't know if eating duck will ever be the same after seeing it hand in mom and dad's driveway!
Love you all!
Aunt Jen Jen
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