Also, the youngest cousins on the Cosby side of the family were caught kissing Santa Claus, who'd recently shaved his beard. Here's what was captured on film:

More shots below; ho, ho, ho!

Our journey from our firstborn, Jaycie, to the child of our hearts from China, Hannah, and on to Will ever after
I love your collages - How Cute! Glad you all had a great Christmas.
Hope you had a nice Christmas! I see a few Lipscomb faces in your pics! Hannah's getting big!!
Happy Gotcha Day, too. What a difference a year makes! I would ask you for the Peking Duck recipe ... but I'm afraid of what the boys might do to a duck hanging from our garage ceiling! He would never make it to the dinner table, I'm afraid! :)
Martha C.
How adorable! I absolutely loved spending time with Jaycie, Hannah and the Cosby girls (you & Lee too!) at Christmas! I'm blessed to have such adorable, sweet, smart, beautiful and witty nieces!
Aunt Jen Jen
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