Monday, March 3, 2008

One Year Shy of a Decade - No Way!

I can hardly believe that 9 sweet years ago Jaycie Ann Fowlkes entered our lives. She has been such a wonder to watch, from her early little squirms and coos to her current crazy dance moves and pre-adolescent insights. I am so proud of her, proud that she is compassionate, funny, smart, and creative. I love her sense of individual expression. I am amazed at how her humor mimics her dad's. It warms my heart when her heart softens following moments of (ahem) redirection. Watching her sing songs of praise, hearing her pray, and observing her efforts to live God's way are some of my proudest moments. Thank you, Lord, for our delightful, original, amazing Jaycie.


Anonymous said...

Please tell sweet Jaycie Happy Birthday for us!!! I'm sorry that we forgot her b-day! I remembered it yesterday and Alyson wasn't happy with me. : ) We'll send her something soon!
She is such a sweet girl and we're so blessed to have you all as some of our oldest (ahem) and dearest friends.
Love you all!
-Jen White

Emma's Mommy said...

Happy Birthday Jaycie!!

I can't believe she is NINE!!!

Valerie said...

Happy Birthday Jaycie. Your birthday is a special day! Hope you enjoyed it.

Carla said...

Happy Birthday Jaycie!!!

Melissa said...

Happy Late Birthday, Jaycie!

About Me said...

It sure doesn't seem that long ago that you were pregnant and taking His Needs, Her Needs class with us! Wow! Time flies! Happy Birthday, Jaycie!

mommy of girls said...

Happy Birthday, Jaycie!!! I can remember your mom and dad before you came along...I remember your mom being pregnant with you...and now I get to see what an amazing job they are doing parenting you...well, it's either that or God's divine intervention. hee hee Just and Lee are fantastic parents. Love you all...and Jaycie you are a sweet girl, your parents have every reason to be proud.

Mendy said...

Happy belated Birthday, Jaycie!

Deaton, party of 5 said...

That is hard to believe. I remember her being in summer MDO with Millie, Elizabeth and I for what seems likes months ago. She's a beauty!