Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Red Couch Pics

This photo session day before yesterday totally cracked me up. If you want to know how to get more than 30 adults to act completely silly in public, try a photo session with 17 babies and 2 little girls. Getting all of them to sit up, keep their hands to themselves, and to smile (at least to not cry) was quite a feat. I ended up behind the couch, holding up Hannah and ducking so I wouldn't be seen in the photo. I was glad that Lee got a shot from the children's perspectives - it's kind of dark, because the light was behind them, but you kind of get the feel for how many cameras were trying to catch the moment.

I don't know when the "red couch" photo tradition started, but travel groups who stay in the White Swan Hotel typically get their kiddos together at some point during their trip, decked out in traditional Chinese attire, for a photograph. Our final product from the professional photographer was rather chaotic, but sweet, nonetheless.

You can see that our private session was a more serene scene. Aren't our girls beautiful? Jaycie's doll joined the fun, too.

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